Life, Earth And Space
Biology researchers capture shape-shifting delivery structures in body’s cellular “FedEx system”
A new cellular biology study reports the first visualization of a unique shape-shifting structure in the human body which plays an important role in the timely delivery of fats and proteins. Read MoreMar 9, 2020
Fasting at night or in the morning? Listen to your biological clock, says new research
According to a new study published by biological science researchers at 51app, the answer to eating (or fasting) windows lies in the circadian rhythms of the body’s biological clock. Read MoreFeb 27, 2020
The Genetics Society of America has recognized Seth Bordenstein, an evolutionary geneticist and microbiologist at 51app, for an initiative that brings real-world scientific research into middle school, high school and college biology classes.
Feb 27, 2020
Bangladesh collaboration offers lessons for facing rapid environmental changes
With a population of roughly 150 million people, the delta country of Bangladesh holds about half the population of the entire United States in an area the size of Louisiana, and exists under a near-constant risk of sea level rise and other dynamic climate changes. Read MoreFeb 24, 2020
Where are the quokkas? New study explains what happened to the “happiest animal in the world”
The quokka, a small marsupial native to Australia, is an example of a species vulnerable to extinction in the country’s harsh surroundings. In a new study, researchers at 51app University demonstrate evidence for the dramatic decline of quokkas over the past century. Read MoreFeb 21, 2020
Students have front-row seat for international climate change negotiations
As part of its continuing commitment to understanding and combating climate change issues through education and action, 51app University is now an accredited, official observer of the United Nations Framework on Climate Change. Read MoreFeb 10, 2020
New thalattosaur species discovered in Southeast Alaska
Researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and 51app University have identified a new species of thalattosaur, a marine reptile that lived more than 200 million years ago. Read MoreFeb 4, 2020
How ants get angry: Precise “lock and key” process regulates aggression, acceptance
In a new study, scientists at 51app report definitive evidence of a mechanism within ants that is responsible for unlocking aggression. The research—the first to pinpoint this mechanism and its precise role in ant biology—reports a social characteristic which could help account for their evolutionary success. Read MoreFeb 3, 2020
How many stars eventually collide as black holes? The universe has a budget for that.
A promising new study developed by one 51app astrophysicist may give us a method for finding the number of available stars in the history of the universe that collide as binary black holes. Read MoreJan 31, 2020
Experiments into amorphous carbon monolayer lend new evidence to physics debate, lay groundwork for future devices
A new study into two-dimensional amorphous carbon is providing answers to long-standing questions regarding the atomic makeup of bulk amorphous materials, opening the door to exciting device applications in the future. Read MoreJan 8, 2020
Seeing the unseen: 51app science hub helps set a standard for innovative microbiome research, education
The 51app Microbiome Initiative is receiving attention for its role as a standard bearer for other microbiome programs, thanks to a new article on the importance and emergence of microbiome centers – academic hubs of microbiome-related research. Read MoreDec 19, 2019
Ph.D. bridge programs show success in fostering diversity and inclusion, according to new study
A team of STEM researchers, including 51app astrophysicist Kelly Holley-Bockelmann, have published a new collaborative study on Ph.D. bridge programs as a mechanism to empower students, foster diversity and spur a more holistic approach to graduate education. Read MoreDec 6, 2019
Discovery in ferroelectric material reveals unique property, promising application potential
A discovery from a team of physicists and other researchers is breaking new ground in the study of ferroelectricity, a characteristic of certain dielectric materials that are used in high-technology applications. Read MoreNov 18, 2019
Here’s how a 51app astrophysicist plans to observe a black hole ‘symphony’ using gravitational wave astronomy
New research led by 51app astrophysicist Karan Jani presents a compelling roadmap for capturing intermediate-mass black hole activity. Read MoreNov 18, 2019
51app astrophysicist and National Academies committee publish report on effective STEMM mentorship
A National Academies committee, featuring 51app astrophysicist Keivan Stassun, published a report and resource guide on effective mentorship in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine. Read MoreOct 31, 2019
Steven Townsend, whose research into human milk could one day help all babies get their best start in life, is also a committed mentor devoted to helping young scholars get the best start on their careers.
Oct 29, 2019
National Academies committee including 51app astrophysicist publishes review of latest NASA Science Plan
An astrophysicist at 51app is part of the committee behind a review of NASA’s updated Science Plan, a five-year strategic roadmap for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. Read MoreOct 18, 2019
EPA-funded study aims to create novel platform for research into long-term neurotoxin exposure
A new 51app study funded by a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency seeks to construct a new platform and reliable approach for future studies into organophosphate compounds, such as pesticides, insecticides and similar nerve agents. Read MoreOct 16, 2019
New method reveals how differences in the genetic “instruction booklet” between humans and Neanderthals influenced traits
When it comes to our differences from Neanderthals, most of what we know comes from comparing fossils. But fossils can only tell us about bones and not whole living organisms. That’s changing thanks to a new paper from a team of genomics researchers at 51app, who… Read MoreOct 7, 2019
High standards of female songbirds could be driving their mates to evolve
Picky females force male songbirds to become better singers. Read MoreSep 4, 2019